

文章摘要: 折多山的盤山公路九曲十八彎經停的第一站是折多山


Last weekend I had the privilege to visit the stunning and sacred destinations of Kangding and Tagong. Both are situated in the Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan, where Tibetans make up over 50% of the population. The 5 hour bus journey from Chengdu was scenically the most dramatic and grand I have ever embarked on. Travelling round progressively steep mountain and cliffside roads,we overlooked dams and lakes and leered up at rolling green rice fields and rocky peaks. Introduction to Kangding was marked by the colourful rock paintings on the sides of the mountains, expressions of Tibetan Buddhism. The paintings depict various figures of worship. The paintings, so detailed and clean, resembled stickers slapped and moulded perfectly onto the rocky interface. 


This, combined with the sharp blue sky and feathery white clouds, provided a sharp contrast to the dark wilting greens and fogged, dour sky of Chengdu. To get to our hostel we followed the Zheduo river, flanked on bothsides initially by a range of bustling shops and canteens and then the steep mountain sides. From the hostel we could view Pǎomǎ Shān, the famed mountain of the ‘Kāngdìng Qíng Gē’ – Kangding Love Song.


As the sunset and the shadows sunk over the mountains, we descended into the city centre for the night. The town was vibrant and busy, alight with neon signs and sculptures. The central attraction was the broad peoples square, where the young and old scattered the space to partake in the local group dancing. The sense of community was clear with young kids weaving and crashing around on their rollerskates and men and women following the elder aunties who led the group dance with their booming speaker and breezy moves. There was complete acceptance of our group of westerners to their daily activity, with not an eyelid batted beyond a few regulation pictures one can expect throughout most of China. The small town really packed a punch in terms of what it had to offer, providing a real lively and inclusive energy.


The next day we set off early on our route to Tagong with our first stop being Zheduo mountain. Its name, meaning winding in Tibetan, certainly reflected the twisting tract of road we travelled on to arrive there. We rose rapidly into the mountains, suddenly in the company of the clouds as the cliff sides transformed from yellow and brown dusty sides into snowy tops. The mountain is the focal point of the pass and must be crossed if you want to get anywhere else in the Garze prefecture.The start of the path was marked by a stupa and continues upwards flanked by Buddhist prayer flags. Although the mountain does not belong to any one religion or represent religious grounds, there is certainly a sense of spiritual significance present. The sense of awe transcended through all visitors and there was a real atmosphere of joy and appreciation to witness this sacred site and its surrounding views. Indeed, the prayer flags do not carry prayers to the gods, rather the Tibetans believe the prayers and mantras illustrated on the flags will be blown by the wind to spread the good will and compassion into all pervading space, bringing benefit to all.


After another long stretch of bending roads we moved into new landscapes. Groups of new Tibetan styled housing were scattered among the hillsides, most of which have been built in the wake of the 2014 earthquake. Jagged rivers and streams wound around, the most eye catching of which holding numerous Mani stones – large rocks inscribed with mantras and devotional designs. 


Arriving in Tagong,meaning 「the place Bodhisattva likes,」 my eyesight was instantly drawn to the gold roofed monastery decorated with prayer flags and writing. After a combination of Tibetan and Sichuan food for lunch we ventured up the grasslands for more bracing views. The top of the hill, perched at an elevation of 3730 metres, overlooked the Sakya temple, set to the backdrop of the Yala (eastern white yak) Mountain.  


* 文:Aru Kathegesu (英國)  譯:Aladdin  

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