
青少年對社交媒體的使用,可能比我們想像的更聰明 | Sport, Education and Society 論文推薦


來源  Taylor & Francis 

對於社交媒體而言,青少年用戶的價值比我們想像的還要重要得多。 而社交媒體想要獲得更好的收益的話,則必須提高對青少年用戶的支持。

最近發表在 Taylor & Francis 出版集團旗下  Sport, Education and Society  期刊上的,主要關注青少年上網習慣的一項新研究發現,與大家的刻板影響不同,年輕人並不是被動接受網上的所有內容的。

研究人員分析了來自英國10所學校中13至18歲青少年的1300份問卷調查,該研究關注的重點為青少年如何處理社交媒體中與衛生健康相關的內容,以了解這些內容與行為對青少年的衛生 保健行為和知識的影響。


許多人還強烈批評被社會名流贊同的內容。 比如一位參與者說:社會名流的生活方式是“我們才不會那麼活”的生活方式,因為名流們與其說經常鍛煉,不如說經常“做手術”。


在這次問卷調查反饋中反復出現過於完美的“自拍”帶來的強烈同伴壓力,或者互相“點贊”中的複雜而微妙的人際關係,這兩個問題都有可能影響青少年健康的相關行為 。

主要作者伯明翰大學的維多利亞·古德伊爾(Dr. Goodyear)博士強調,我們亟需加強關於社交媒體對年輕人的正面和負面影響的了解。 她說:“我們知道很多學校、教師和家長/監護人都擔心社交媒體可能對年輕人存在健康風險。

“但是與主流觀點相反,我們的研究數據顯示並非所有的年輕人都會遭受可能損害他們健康的內容的影響。許多年輕人對相關信息其實是持批評態度的。” 儘管青少年有能力評估內容的好 壞,但研究依然強調,成年人在支持年輕人、幫助他們了解相關的信息可能會對他們的健康造成多大的危害方面,仍然扮演著重要的角色。 伯明翰大學教育副校長凱瑟琳•阿莫爾(Kathleen Armor)教授補充說:“其實更重要的是我們要明白,青少年可以很快會從有足夠能力正確地處理社交媒體信息、變成被大量信息和 壓力壓垮。”


古德伊爾博士建議,因為社交媒體提供了重要的學習機會,大人不應該不讓年輕人使用社交媒體。 學校和家長/監護人應該把重點放在社交媒體的使用體驗上,幫助青少年批判性地思考他們接受的信息,理解這些信息背後的積極和有害的影響。 更重要的是,這一過程必須引入課堂,以幫助解決青少年和成年人互相理解,彌合雙方對社交媒體的理解存在的差距。


標題 Young people and their engagement with health-related social media: new perspectives

作者 Victoria A. Goodyear , Kathleen M. Armour,Hannah Wood

發表日期  Published online: 25 Jan 2018

Doi https://doi.org/10.1080/13573322.2017.1423464

摘要 Young people are increasingly turning to social media for health-related information in areas such as physical activity, diet/nutrition and body image. Yet, there are few robust empirical accounts of the content and form of the health-related material young people access and attend to, or the health-related content they create and share. Furthermore, there is little guidance from research or policy on young people’s engagement with health-related social media. This leaves many relevant adults ill-equipped to protect young people from the negative influences of social media and to optimize the potential of social media as a medium for health promotion. This article presents new evidence on young people’s engagement with social media and the influences they report on their health-related behaviors. The research was undertaken with 1296 young people (age 13–18) using a participatory mixed methods design. Initially, a public pedagogy [Giroux, 2004. Public pedagogy and the politics of neo -liberalism: Making the political more pedagogical. Policy Futures in Education, 2, 494–503] theoretical framework was used to guide data analysis but this was found to be limiting. An adapted framework was developed, therefore, drawing on Miller et al. [2016. How the world changed social media. London: UCL Press] and Lomborg [2011. Social media as communicative genres. Journal of Media and Communication Research, 51, 55–71] to account for the unique ways in which pedagogy operates in a social media context. Young people accessed and used a range of health-related information on body transformations, diet/nutritional supplements or recipes and workouts/exercises, albeit in different ways. Moreover, young people identified five forms of content that influenced their understandings and behaviours: (i) automatically sourced content; (ii) suggested or recommended content; (iii) peer content; (iv) likes; (v) reputable content. The findings also suggest that relevant adults can reduce ri sk and realize more of the positive impacts of social media for young people by focusing on content, and the ways in which content is shaped in the interplay between interactive functionalities of social media (eg likes and followers) and young people’s social uses of social media (eg friends, information).

論文鏈接 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13573322.2017.1423464?utm_source=WeChat&utm;_medium=post&utm;_campaign=JMO03726


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未經允許不得轉載:頭條楓林網 » 青少年對社交媒體的使用,可能比我們想像的更聰明 | Sport, Education and Society 論文推薦